Payment Methods

Online Payment Methods

  • PPS (Merchant Code: 86)
  • Pay online via e-Account
  • WeChat Pay HK
  • AlipayHK
  • Internet Banking - ​You can settle your service charge via Internet Banking Service provided by Bank of China, HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, etc. To pay via Internet Banking, please check with your bank for details.
  • Faster Payment System (FPS) - You can use any mobile banking app or stored value facility (supports FPS QR code payment) to scan the FPS QR code on the email bill.


  • You can settle your bill at ATM of HSBC and Hang Seng Bank with the sign "BILL PAYMENT SERVICE" and please allow 2 working days to process your payment.
  • Please choose "Bill Payment" and press "HGC Global Communications Limited", key in your ATM Account No. & Total Amount Due (Please refer to monthly statement for details)


  • Simply provide your account number or the monthly statement at any Watsons Store' to settle your payment and please allow 2 working days to process your payment.
  • Watsons Stores at Hong Kong International Airport do not accept bill payment.
  • Cheque payment is not applicable to Watsons Stores.

By Cheque

Cheques should be crossed and made payable to "HGC Global Communications Limited" and mail to P.O. Box 9322, General Post Office, Hong Kong.
Please write your Account No. at the back of your cheque and be sure to allow at least three working days for your cheque to reach us before the Payment Due Date. No receipt will be issued.
HGC Global Communications Limited reserves the right to levy a service charge to your account if your cheque is returned. Important:
Cash / Cash cheque should not be sent by post. Post-Dated cheque and cheque in foreign currency will not be accepted.

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