HGC寬頻 現正籌備及規劃為 貴屋苑 黃金大廈 鋪設光纖寬頻網絡及設備以提供住宅寬頻、通訊及娛樂服務。
如 閣下有意於日後申請HGC寬頻之光纖寬頻服務,請提供以下資料,以便規劃網絡鋪設工程覆蓋到 貴屋苑。待網絡鋪設工程完成後,將會有專人聯絡 閣下辦理服務申請及安裝事宜。

HGC Broadband is now preparing and planning to rollout Fiber-optic Broadband Service for Golden Building to provide residential broadband, communications and entertainment services.

If you are interested in applying for HGC Broadband Service in the future, please provide the following information. We will contact you for service application and installation once ready.

住戶意見(請按喜好選擇) * 必需填寫
Your preferences (please choose according to your preferences) * Must fill in
  1. 環球全域電訊有限公司(「本公司」)將根據已收集之意見書而規劃網絡鋪設工程,確實網絡鋪設完成日期須視乎工程之進度而定。
  2. 此意見收集書並不代表本公司已確認開展鋪設網路工程至 貴屋苑或接受住戶的服務申請。此意見收集書僅供本公司收集住戶意向用途。
  3. 此意見收集書所收集的資料僅供是次光纖寬頻網絡規劃及日後聯絡閣下辦理服務申請及安裝事宜使用。
  4. 本公司保留上述寬頻網絡規劃之最終決定權。
  5. 有關本公司之私隱政策及個人資料收集聲明的詳情,請瀏覽以下網址(https://www.hgcbroadband.com/en/pages/privacy-policy)。
  1. HGC Global Communications Limited (the "Company") will plan the Broadband Service rollout based on the collected submissions. The exact date of completion of the Broadband Service rollout depends on the progress of the construction.
  2. Collection of this enquiry form does not mean that the company has confirmed to carry out the Broadband Service rollout to your estate or accepts service applications from residents. This enquiry form is only for the purpose of collecting your intentions.
  3. The information collected in this enquiry form is only for this Broadband Service rollout planning and contact with you for service application and installation in the future.
  4. The company reserves the right for the final decision on the above Broadband Service rollout planning.
  5. For details of the company's Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement, please visit the following website. (https://www.hgcbroadband.com/en/pages/privacy-policy)
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